Sunday, June 22, 2008

peach sauce

i used this sauce for going on top of my grilled pork chops. yummylicious!

1/4. chopped sweet onion
1/4. chopped red onion( for bite and color)
2 garlic cloves chopped finely
1/4 tsp ground ginger or 1/2 tsp. finely grated fresh ginger
1 can of peaches or 2 whole peaches
salt and pepper to taste
( if you use fresh peaches, you may want to use cornstarch to thicken the sauce, because the syrup from the can will do this for you and also if you use the peaches in water and not syrup, you still want to add the cornstartch mixture, make sure you mix it with cold water before adding to the sauce).

Heat up a sauce pan on med. high add 1 tbsp. oil, of your choise
add chopped onions, garlic, ginger, you will want to sweat this out, not sauted or browned, just softend enough to go with the peaches. add the chopped peaches, you may saute these depending on the type you used. add the syrpup or cornstartch mixture from the can. salt and pepper to taste. you will want to bring this to a boil. then simmer to till a thickened consistency of your choise, this will concentrate your flavors and be a great addition to your grilled porkchops or chicken, even seafood! enjoy!
p.s. adding fresh herbs, will heighten the flavors of your dish, including basil, thyme even rosemary will be eathy undertones to the sauce, so mix it up and be creative and apples would even work in this!


Sierra said...

Sounds great!! And yet another example of how Erin can profit from just simply cooking =)

sisterlovemoon said...

Whatever, i just do not want my food to be friggen bland! that's all, maybe someday, hey we should all write a cookbook together!