Thursday, July 24, 2008

Black bean pizza stuff

I recently found a recipe for making my own pizza dough from scratch, and its so much better than the mix stuff you can get, so i have been experimenting with pizza. It makes enough for two and i am never making two at once so i always have leftover dough. I used some of it last week to make and experimental pizza that turned out really awesome.

Basically, i used salsa as the sauce, then took a can of black beans and just sort of sprinkled them around, as few or many as you'd like. I added some red peppers that i had, some red onion, and some frozen corn. I used mostly mozzarella and i think a little cheddar cheese. It actually came out really well in my opinion.

If you want the pizza dough recipe i used i can put that up too, it came from a little pocket italian cookbook i got at a booksale, pretty basic but turns out really good.


serialstar said...

put up the pizza crust recipe!!

sisterlovemoon said...

yea pizza crust recipe! i can't wait, i luv hamburger pizza with lots of fennel seeds, onions, and mixes of cheese, and some shrooms and sorts. so yea i love pizza!