When I was a kid, children played outdoors in both summer AND winter. Mothers would bundle their little darlings in snow pants, stocking hats and warm woolen mittens and then shove them out the door calling, "Come back when it gets dark!"
Later, when the Eskimos returned home, Super Mom would fix them a nice hot cup of cocoa and serve it along with buttered toast. And that is the best treat a freezing youngster could have.
This recipe is the very same one that Super Mom uses. I personally guarantee that once you try it, all other hot cocoa will be drastically inadequate.

Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix
From: "Super Mom"
This is the best hot cocoa I've ever had.
2.5 lb Nestle Quik Powder
1# Coffee Creamer
1 8qt box dry milk
1C Powdered Sugar
4t Cinnamon
1pkg Mini Marshmallows
Mix all ingredients (except mini marshmallows) in a very large bowl or Rubbermaid container.
To serve add 1/3C mix to 1C hot water.
Top with Mini Marshmallows.
Makes a swell gift. Just package the cocoa in a nice tin or jar and include the recipe and the instructions for serving and BAM! you have a lovely gift for anyone who appreciates delicious chocolate flavor. One batch is quite large so you will have plenty for sharing, or not.
this is a terrific idea, since i never use the packaged kind, this would be must simpler and a lot tastier and the gift idea is great because you can totally get creative withe the container you have. i have a book that lists a whole bunch of gifts to give that you make and put into jars, maybe i should share some of them. thanx!
Its also great if you have to run any sort of a bake sale or concession stand.
I saw a cute packaging idea on TV:
Use the triangle shaped pastry/frosting bags and put the cocoa powder in, then add the marshmallows on top and tie with a bow! Sweet!
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