Sunday, May 24, 2009

starwberry lemonade

2 quarts iced tea( brew it fresh and let it really cool down before you add anything)
1 can of lemonade concentrate
fresh cut berries, i used starwberry in one and black and red berries in another
1/2 c. sugar, this is optional, depends on if you think you need more sweetner( you can make a simple syrup or use agave nectar, which dissolves in cool liquids very well)
Just mix these up and let blend over nite!

i took this camping last weekend, i drank the whole thing to myself, so yummy. and of course adding liquor is a must, i used berry vodka, but rum would work too or gin or... well you get it. just drink it!


sisterlovemoon said...

so just to update, this must be drinken with rum at all times, ailes anything, everything. must drink.

Sierra said...

I won't put gin in anything ever again, I swear to it! that sounds yummy, I'm sure vodka is awesome in it! you should make this when here....I demand this!