Saturday, September 6, 2008

c-c salad

i am adding this recipe for those who have recently gotten your tahini paste, something else to use it in, other than hummus. i haven't tried this recipe yet. so if you do let me know. i am researching some vegetarian options for my life. so i got this recipe from a veggie cook book from my dad.

1/2 cup currants
1-2 tsp. tahini paste
2 tsps. honey or brown rice syrup( sweetner)
1 tsp. lemon juice
dash of cinnamon
2 c. finely grated carrots
1/2 c. water

soak currants in a 1/2 c.boiling water for and hour or up to overnite. strain, these and reserve the currant water. you will end up with between 2 tblsp. to 1/4. you don't really have to do this other than to rehydrate the dried currants, if that is what you use. and to make them sweeter. the reserved water is used to sweeten the dish, but you can increase the sweeter and just add plain 1/2 c. water to dressing. to accomodate.
use the currant water or plain water, tahini, honey lemon juice, and cinnamon together in either a blender or food processor, until smooth and creamy.
put the carrots and currants together in a bowl, mix in dressing. top with sunflower seeds.

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