Friday, February 15, 2008

food stuffs

So i was thinking about how we all have talked about making some sort of cookbook thing to involve in the bag, and i know we all cook and play around with stuff and sometimes come up with super awesome things or already have really kickass recipes that we could share with each other, so that is what i am making this blog for. And anything goes, even if you want to post that you melted some velveta and pickles together and it turned out awesome somehow, i want to try it. I am interested in random things with no measurements that people just throw together as well. (mostly because thats what i do a lot!) And i know a lot of us are trying to be healthier, so we can share healthy foods and tips on here. And i think it would be a nice thing for asking advice about stuff we don't know how to make. At least one of us might know. So this is my idea, let me know if it sucks or not or if you are game!


Sierra said...

this is awesome....not a big chef, but I do whip up some good heathy eats these days, and playing with different ingrediants is fun! yay for the food stuffs!!

sisterlovemoon said...

yea for foodies!